Sports Specific Podiatry

Services » Sports Specific Podiatry

There are as many types of sporting injuries as there are sports. Whatever sport you play at whatever level, we cover and treat the full range of injuries.

Injuries will be one of two types. Acute Injuries occur from a direct event (a twisted ankle in netball or a damaged Achilles tendon from stepping in a hole). Overuse injuries occur when the muscles, tendons and ligaments are under extreme stress and fatigue for long periods of time (runners with Heel Pain or Patellofemoral Syndrome).

Personalised Treatment

We tailor our treatment to your individual needs and specific injury. This can include:

  • Acute treatment of pain and pain management
  • Footwear selection
  • Exercises
  • Retraining for running or a specific activity
  • Massage
  • Gait analysis
  • Biomechanical realignment using foot orthoses.

Common Injuries That We Treat:

Click on injury for more information.

Achilles Tendon Strain (Achilles Tenosynovitis or Achilles Tendinopathy)
The Achilles tendon connects the heel to the calf muscles. With continued stress and overuse, pain can progress and be present through and entire workout and sometimes even with periods of simple walking. This often becomes a chronic (long term) problem.

Patellofemoral Syndrome
Pain or discomfort between the underside of the patella (kneecap) with the femur (thigh bone).

Heel Pain Syndrome (Heel Spurs / Plantar Fasciitis)
Soreness of the heel caused by repetitive pressure. Long term, ongoing injury can lead to a build up of bone (a 'spur').

Shin Splints
Exercise-induced pain in the lower leg, along the front of the leg between the knee and the ankle (the shin). Used as a generic term applying to specific conditions like MTTS (see below). Shin splints are often the result of overuse and typically occur in runners.

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS)
Caused by chronic strain, overuse, and micro-trauma of the soleus (calf) muscle where it originates on the inside of the shinbone (tibia), or deep inflammation of the connective tissue that covers the bone (periosteum) of the shinbone. Particularly affects those new to running or jumping sports or conditioned runners who change or increase their speed or distance or change their type of shoe or running terrain. Sufferers of flat feet are also more prone to the condition because of increased stress on the calf muscle.

Inversion ankle sprains
Sprained ankles are one of the most common foot and ankle injuries we treat.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS or ITBFS, for Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome)
A common injury to the knee, generally associated with running, cycling, hiking or weight-lifting (especially squats).

Medial knee Pain
The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is one of the four major ligaments of the knee. It is on the medial (inner) side of the knee joint. Damage can involve a slight strain tear or even a complete rupture.There are two areas of cartilage (menisci) in the knee resting between the thigh bone (femur) and shin bone (tibia) and act as 'shock absorbers' in the knee joint. A medial cartilage (meniscus) tear will sometimes requires surgery.

In its most general sense, neuroma is any swelling of a nerve.

Inflammation of the sesamoid bones on the bottom of the foot, just behind the large toe.

A deviation of the big toe. As the big toe turns in toward the second toe the tissues surrounding the joint may become swollen and tender.

A general term used to refer to any painful foot condition affecting the the bones and joints of the foot. It most often affects the ball of the foot just behind the big toe.

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